My family is a very "special" family, we are all very very different, but at the same time we are a mix of people that go great together. If you take my brother for example; He is a very handsome man (he's 21 years old) he is also addicted to working out and obsessed with looking good and being in great shape.

He is a very mixed person, he is a jock, but at the same time he is a nerd in a way. He is excellent with computers and electronics and he is an amazing football player, it's just one of those things I guess.
My mother I would say is the closest you can come to the perfect mother, she is strict at times when she needs to be and yet at other times she can be the kindest person ever. There really is nothing much more to say about my mother she is a rather booring person, she enjoys having laughs with her friends and spending time with family. My father I really don't know very well, I see him about five-six times a year and yet I feel I know him as if I saw him everyday. This is probably because I my father is the person I have inherited my interests and things like that from, he is a very interesting person, strange in a way. And then there's me, I really don't know what to say about myself, I enjoy the simple things in life, friends, family, food, relaxing, sleeping and sports. Well this was a VERY short post about my family, they are a strange mix of people and yet I wouldn't consider giving them up for the world.